Thursday, February 10, 2011

Event Recap: A (First Friday) Night at the Museum

The Natural History Museum opened it's doors to the nighttime crowd yet again this past Friday, February 4, 2011 to continue their First Friday series...and I must say, it was fabulous. The mix of modern decor and intimidating stuffed animals in the animal hall, which was filled with the dance music, was a complete juxtaposition from the museum you saw as a child.

This past Friday the Nostradamus theme continued, and Pulitzer Prize-winning author Johnathan Wiener discussed his thoughts about the future, and how human existence might one day be never ending.  It seemed only fitting on a night where you live out Peter Pan-like adventures in a museum.  

The museum itself was packed and better than ever, there were young hipsters, high school students, parents looking for a night out, and even a human size Tyrannosaurus Rex puppet made his way through the main foyer.   It seemed as though everyone was in search of a good time.  The music blared through the usually, quiet and stoic halls and I could not help but think that these wonderful nights will be a celebration of the past, present and (hopefully) the never ending future. 

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